Vortex Hunters Blog Latest Posts


  • 26 Aug 2023

    Hello, well I have to say I am surprised that no one has talked of Maui. I have very specific locations that I actually lived and after year and half and many paranormal experience I read about ley lines and vortexes on these late lines and I knew that I was in one of those places because pictures that I got showed that the bail to other realms was very thin I saw ever beans if they were from the stars or other dimensions I believe both and also there was something strange about the trees and the grass would go overnight like three to four feet but the trees the trees in one location they would grow after sunset baby grow and twist and get thicker and stronger and bigger and then right before sunrise they would come back to normal size I never told anyone about the trees growing until I was talking to a woman that also lived up there and she mentioned if I had seen the trees grow at night and that was just a confirmation multiple times I found myself in a different land where the city lights that I could see before we're gone and for as far as I can see it was just hills and valleys I knew I was no longer in the place that I was sometimes we would take 10 minutes to walk through this Forest and sometimes it would take an hour and a half and I had found places in there that I never found again in the the ancient Grove was I called it there was a light it seemed to be illuminating from somewhere I can never find but it would just glow in there there was these vines that almost look like they were putting out this light almost a bluish light and then one night I came home about 2:00 in the morning to my 10th the minute I walked into the area of my tent it was like I had walked into a wind tunnel the most massive loudest wind tunnel ever I couldn't see anymore things were but like things were coming at me from every direction and the sound was so loud I ran for my life out of there now I didn't know it but my friend Jen that lived above me up on the hill 8:00 that night she had also she had heard something down below where I lived sorry the next day she told me it sounded like the trees were coming out of the ground and the sound was just unearthly she ran for her life she said as I also had at two three in the morning one more thing there's years that live in this Forest but she there's gears and I try to tell people but they never seem to believe me but I seen theirs in there that look like elk and then I seen deers in there that didn't look like bear they didn't even look like any animal I had ever seen their antlers were so strange spiraling straight up they're a huge huge Majestic animals I remember the first time I seen one I seen three of them actually at once one that was staring at me and he and I was like I knew that was no beer it was just like a magical animal I don't know I tried to ask people what they are and they all kind of humming hard oh but I know what I seen and there's like three to four different looking beers I guess it's become up in that Forest I will I do not want to put the exact location of this place I would like to protect it for the creatures and the beans that I saw up there are so very special I believe it only people that come to this place on their own are the ones that belong there después I believe Maui itself is it a vortex for the whole island has magical things places where things disappear reappear walking into different times and and from Star people to memes from other dimensions I have met and have been touched by a few for the for this place is the ancient land of lemuria the great mountains of Mu. The great continent that lived some maybe 50,000 years ago. Just a guess but it once lived and then in a day sank. They say that some saw it coming and took there great secrets and knowledge into the earth were they have lived and survived to this day.

    Maui Hawaii


    Thank you for your interesting picture and post. Sending positive energy to you and everyone in Maui! - Jack

  • 21 Aug 2023

    External Link: All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) - UAP reporting website coming soon

  • 18 Aug 2023

    The Oregon Vortex - Hi there! I had my very first personal experience with what I now believe to be a very real, tangible vortex! Not only did everyone in our tour group feel an extreme pull towards the 'eye' of the 165 foot vortex but a large number of 'coincidences' happen as we moved closer to the center! This energy was able to bring a grown man to his knees! By using a full spectrum camera and an emf meter, my team was able to assist the staff with proving there is an energy of some kind emanating from the area known to be the eye of the Oregon vortex! We are now looking for lesser known areas with vortex energy and your map has proved valuable to us! Thank you very much for all you guys are doing and the excellent work you have already done! May we once and for all Mankind prove the existence of Earth energy and make it available for use to the general populace!

    Thank you for your research. We would love to see pictures and video of your next investigation. - Jack

  • 1 Aug 2023

    External Link: U.S. recovered non-human 'biologics' from UFO crash sites, former intel official says - NPR

  • 31 July 2023

    Eureka my home town. I have lived in this spiritual essence of a town with water flowing everywhere for refreshment and rejuvenation , for at least 30 years. In that time, I have watched people be transformed by the vibration in the air of eureka and the loving acceptance of residents that are present in this town. The Sacred energy of the native Americans and prayers to the Great Spirit done for 1000’s of years at a eureka‘s sacred springs, before the europeans ever came here, should be emphasized and never forgotten. The energy of their thousands and thousands of prayers and rituals to the Great Spirit I feel set the prayer house that this area possesses. These vibrations set long long long ago are a major contributor to the energy felt here , as we look to whether or not this is an earth vortex. One example of the high spiritual vibration in eureka is the founding, 8 years ago, of Heart of Many Ways, a universal spiritual center, established in the community as a non profit that honors all Faiths, all spiritual paths and their teachers and all individual spiritual expression as ways to the One Divinity. Also people in town experience Many synergetic moments that feel like signs or winks from Divinity that holds all of as in embrace. The sense of ancient time is here too with ledges of hills to be be seen, having layers of limestone deposits, layed down millions of years before the the Ozark plateau rose up from the sea. Mother Earth and her crevices, caves, dripping waters give you the feeling you are in the womb of the nuturing Mother Earth. Grotto spring in Town is a symbol of that kind of experience. The fluidity Of water, of twirling streets, Of vistas of hills that look like the breasts of the mother, gives one a sense of nuturance and life as fertile and creative!! Also There are hundreds of miraculous stories (unexplainable except as seemingly miraculous) of how people found eureka in their search for a different way of living! Well I am an ambassador of this tiny but spiritually gigantic town that the Divine has brought me to in this life time! From My Heart to yours, Carolyn, Change and Communication Practitioner, Ordained Interfaith Minister and Lover Of Eureka

    Hi Carolyn, thank you very much for sharing your extensive knowledge of Eureka Springs! Your comments have been added to the Eureka Springs Vortex page. - Jack

  • 30 July 2023

    External Link: Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Bear, or Fake? video

  • 28 July 2023

    I used to live on the Willow Springs Ranch, about 4 miles from the Red Rocks amphitheater west of Denver. That is, indeed, a very special place! My folks and I went to Easter sunrise service at the Red Rocks amphitheater, and it was incredible! The highlight of it for me was the fact that three crosses were erected for the service, and as I watched, the sun rose over the center cross, or as I call it, the Jesus cross! I wish I could go back in time. If I could, it would be to the Willow Springs Ranch and all my magical memories of the Colorado Red Rocks!!

  • 19 July 2023

    I visited Ghost Ranch new mexico. I felt a very strong magnetic energy. Hard to describe. There is one mountain there called Kitchen Mesa. I couldn't stop staring at it. I think the energy was coming from the kitchen mesa. I don't live in that area and I actually prefer the coast and larger city areas.. I reluctantly went to new mexico recently to visit my parents who live there (in low populated area) and think it's great. I'm surprised I was so drawn to this one mountain. I will attach a picture. It's called Kitchen Mesa and it's at this place called 'Ghost Ranch' in New Mexico. I'm convinced I saw a man etched in the mountain and when I entered the Ranch and like I said, I felt a strong magnetic energy. I checked your site to see if Ghost Ranch was listed and it wasn't. Wondering if your team has been there or heard of it.

    Kitchen Mesa New Mexico


    This is the first we have heard of Ghost Ranch or the Kitchen Mesa, but I am strongly drawn to the mesa just from seeing your photo and that's never happened to me before in the 18 years of running this blog. Will definitely be visiting. Thank you so much! - Jack

  • 17 July 2023

    Hi, could you inform me about triangle vortexes? What are they? What is the difference between triangle ones and other ones? Thank you Ali

    Areas like the Bermuda Triangle and Alaska Triangle are places where mysterious events have occurred in groups--planes, ships and people disappearing, ufo sightings, paranormal events, etc. Someone has mapped out those events and drawn a triangle around them. As I understand it, a Triangle is not a vortex, but as in the case of the Bermuda Triangle, it can have a vortex inside of it. - Jack

  • 13 July 2023

    Vortexes in Joshua Tree (on our property) Hello! We live in northeast Joshua Tree. When we found this property we felt it had potential and "awoke" it with bells … (We have tried to replace all non desert plants too and have awoken all the plants/trees etc that exist too, to help it.) Once we did we felt the difference and ann arborist couldn’t believe how alive all the trees were, do very pleased! Then, our first friends visiting felt the first vortex on the opening of our path. We have four in that area of our property ... two circular and 2 winding, linking the planet to the universe. It’s wild, wonderful and alive. We have one more area that is past/present/future…it’s a portal actually which is different but an opening of light.

  • 7 July 2023

    Most of the rock on my land is magnetic is that considered a vortex? It was an old kimberlite volcano that has olivine and lampronite Rock

    Magnetic rock does not necessarily mean there is a vortex there, but it is possible. Do you see or feel any other signs of a vortex? - Jack

  • 5 July 2023

    External Link: Sasquatch, Bigfoot or a Bear? Not Real video

  • 2 July 2023

    Hi there, I was reading through your page on Asheville vortices and I couldn’t find the map. would you mind sending it and/or a link to it my way? I would greatly appreciate it! Cheers and thanks, Alex

    Hello Alex, sorry we do not have a specific map with vortexes for Asheville. All the information we have is on the Asheville Vortex Page. - Jack

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