This is one of 120 Basic Triangles in The Planetary Grid. I did the best I could with this map. There were no coordinates available, just a drawing. Some of the lines do not intersect as they should.
It is very important to know that the lines inside the triangles are not ley lines. They are UVG lines, period. A geometric model of Bucky’s that we decided to put out there to see if they had meaning. We were absolutely blasted by ley line researchers for any intimation that they were. Sometimes one of the interior lines in a triangle lines up with what is called a ley line (such as that one in southern England), but it’s important to distinguish between them. Ours was an intellectual research model. I think it’s important to say that. Personally, I think the grid lines are related to individual spirit of living beings. They feel very individual to me. I don’t feel them when I am on them, but I now over all these years see patterns in places where I am comfortable, or vacation, or avoid. The ley lines, on the other hand, seem more localized and attuned to energies within the earth that some humans can sense. (I can’t dowse.) They may not even be connected to grid lines. - Bethe Hagens
5 May 2024
I live at this apartment building in South Salt Lake, Utah. There's been a lot of deaths in this building, caused by various things. I've lived here for 1 year and 4 months, and I've noticed a few strange things. Almost everyone in this building is addicted to some substance that's considered dangerous for human consumption, and there's a ton of bad vibes going around. Gossip, and fights, and the residents who live here that are mentally ill seem to be less controlled, despite treatment. I myself have constant ups and downs, despite the fact that I'm now in a safer living situation. My male cat, for no reason that I can determine, will randomly puff up with what I believe is fear, and start running around crazily, and he always ends up hiding on top of my kitchen cabinets (picture included). He's only done it like 4 times since we moved in, but whenever it happens I get cold chills up and down my back. His mother cat never does this, but for no reason every now and then, will walk circles around the apartment yowling like she's lost, or can't find me. The apartments are all studios and there's no place new for her to go, or to hide in. These two different behaviors always take place at night time, after dark has fallen. Lastly though I've never seen them (I'm a witch, not a psychic medium), various staff members who have access to our security cameras have mentioned seeing light orbs around the hallways, again always at night. I've attached photos of the apt buildings outside as well as the area my male cat jumps to when he's doing his "puffy run" as I call it (this is completely different behavior from the 3 A. M. zoomies that all cats get, he's actually showing legitimate fear). Furthermore, while most of my neighbors travel back and forth between each other's apts, not many people will come to mine, and the one's who do always find reasons to leave ASAP! I've even done several different banishment and blessing techniques. I also included a zoomed in image of your ley line convergence map. You'll notice that there's an energy vortex in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. My apt building is in one of the UVG lines, and is not too far from another, connected UVG area, Pioneer Park. There's been a lot of deaths and other unexplained phenomenon in the park, in fact in the UVG line of that whole neighborhood. When the city decided to try and revamp the park they found Native American artifacts in the park, that somehow were never found before. The old Rio Grande Depot has a well documented spirit, the purple lady, and it's right down the road from the old Road Home homeless shelter, and the Gateway outdoor mall. All of these places make up a square area in the downtown SLC neighborhood. As a former resident of the homeless shelter, I can tell you the place was a giant black hole of bad juju! The Gateway Mall has not been all that successful either. Tonz of stores have come and gone in a very short time frame, some very big chains. I'm not sure of the basic age that South Salt Lake has been inhabited, but I feel like there's something not quite kosher about this building. The upper windows in the round area at the top is our library/computer room. There's a slightly eerie feeling when you're alone in there at night, and from the outside when you look at the windows from the ground, I get the same unsettling feeling as when I look at images of the half windows on the 3rd floor of the Amityville house. Like the building is watching me and has malevolence for me. I'm as I mentioned a magic worker, a solitary witch (not a Wiccan, not that there's anything wrong with Wiccans), and I have this odd feeling that the building doesn't like my white magic! I constantly have to fight with myself to not perform anything that would be considered black magic, even though I've never had the inkling to do so before. I'll see if I can get some friends to write in to you with their experiences, but no promises. Incidentally there's also a camp ground area in another, connected UVG line, Pine Glenn Cove is a private vacation retreat, also known by various other names, including Hatch's Camp, Forest Hills, and St. Anne's Retreat. Much folklore surrounds the camp, citing tales of pregnant nuns, infanticide, satanic worship, and hell-hounds. The camp made it on national headlines in October 1997 when 2 different groups of teenagers (one group of 8 and one group of 30 later in the night) were herded into the empty swimming pool, tied up, and harassed by three shotgun wielding watchmen. St. Ann's Retreat is allegedly haunted and it was featured on an episode of Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures. Zak Bagans said that as soon as you cross onto the property, it feels like you just stepped into a Friday the 13th movie, to which I say... no thank you! - R. A.
Related Links (Takes you to another website)
Utah’s Most Haunted: The ‘Purple Lady’ who roams Rio Grande Depot
Fact or fiction? Exploring the rumored haunts of the Rio Grande Depot
Ghost investigation: Does the Purple Lady haunt Salt Lake's Rio Grande?
The Utah Ghost Story That Will Leave You Absolutely Baffled
Is The Rio Grande Depot in Downtown SLC Haunted
Ghost investigation: Does the 'Purple Lady' haunt the Rio Grande, or do other restless souls?
The Legend of the Purple Lady of the Rio Grande Depot in Salt Lake City, Utah
Legends surround St. Ann's Retreat
The Legend of St. Anne's Retreat
St. Anne's Retreat: History and Naming
Spiral Jetty from atop Rozel Point
Reptilians In Tunnels Under Salt Lake City - Part 3: Utah Unexplained
Darkness Resides in Pioneer Park video
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