Many different types of vortexes are claimed to exist. From paranormal portals that act as doorways to the afterlife (or other dimensions), to spiritual spots near the convergence of ley lines.
Do you live on a ley line? Check out our new interactive ley line map that connects the 3 strongest vortices in North America - Mount Shasta, Buffalo Lake and the Bermuda Triangle. You can also check out the new interactive St. Michael's leyline map.
The interactive Global Vortex Map
Planetary Grid Map on Google Maps
A Basic Triangle on Google Maps is for sale! After 20 years and many strange and wonderful experiences, it is time for me to hand the paranormal reigns over to the right person to continue this research. The ideal candidate would be someone that has a connection with spiritual and Earth's energies, and has the ability to travel worldwide to visit and report from vortex locations. I have received many requests from the media for interviews and to appear in paranormal television series (which I was never interested in), so the perfect candidate would be someone who would thrive in the media. If you enjoy adventure and discovery, and would like to be the next Vortex Hunter, please Contact me here.
19 March 2025
External link: Sacred prayer portal of Sedona video
17 March 2025
Black Mountain, NC - I own property along the ride that rides nc hwy 9 just south of black mountain. I have had several encounters with wildlife in the area. At the top of high top mountain there is a wildlife preserve. It is not uncommon to see bear, bobcats, and fox inbour neighborhood. I have seen black bear walking down residential streets in the middle of the day. There is a peacefulness to black mountain. It is inexplicable but i feel renewed whenever i am there. My property sits on top of an ancient inactive fault line and the soil has high levels of garnet mica schist according to the is geological survey. His area was a hunting and ceremonial ground for the cherokee. The town seems to be enshrouded with a very positive energy that attracts creatives and culinary artists. It was once home to one of the most progressive colleges, black Mountain college, in the 30s and claimed among its board and trustees both buckminster fuller and albert einstein. The energy here is a positive one. Every wildlife encounter i have had has been a peaceful reverent interaction and even 30 yards from a massive black bear, i felt at peace as if the bear were acknowledging my presence and sharing both its energy and space with me. It was a majestic experience and one i feel privilege and awestruck to have had. - Carl
Hi Carl, thank you for sharing your interesting personal account of the energy of Black Mountain. I'm not surprised to hear of positive energy in this area, being so close to Ashville. Your comments have been added to the Black Mountain vortex page.
6 March 2025
External link: Sedona Vortex Energy video
6 March 2025
Hello Vortex Hunters, I was hoping to visit any vortex locations that might have been close to me in Sydney Australia, and a google search led me to your website. Lake George in NSW would be the closest one to me, however it is currently under water and so may be difficult to get to the heart of any energy spots there. You also have Hanging Rock listed. Anyone my age knows the story of the missing school girls well, from the movie 'Picnic at Hanging Rock'. However it seems its location is incorrectly marked on your map. The energy spiral indicates the Blue Mountains of NSW. I do believe there may be some form of energy vortex there, but I couldn't say where. The location of Hanging Rock is in fact in Victoria and I plan to visit there one day. I have provided the correct location if you wish to update your map. Thank you for assisting all the truth seekers. - Michelle
Thank you kindly for letting us know about this map error. The vortex map has been corrected and new links have been added to the Hanging Rock vortex page. Please contact us if you visit there. Thank you again and all the best to you!
25 February 2025
External link: Step inside our vortex where everything within your energy will change as we leverage the Quantum video
10 February 2025
hi is there any vortex in india, do not know how to see it on your website.
Kasar Devi Temple Vortex in India. Please contact us if you know of any more vortexes in India.
3 February 2025
External link: Drone footage from trip to Sedona video
1 February 2025
Bermuda Triangle, Mount Shasta and Buffalo Lake Ley Line Map. In west NC where the pictured ley line travels through. Brown mtn lights, very famous, should be able to find plenty of info. Once featured in an Xfiles episode, but kind of off topic. Excellent episode though. Have personally witnessed the weird; looked like someone using an arc welder in various spots on the cliffs of the Linville Gorge as viewed from Wiseman's View, where Brown mountain can also be seen.
Thank you for your comments. This post has been added to the Brown Mountain Lights page.
27 January 2025
External link: Sedona's red rock formations, mystical vortexes, and starlit skies video
27 January 2025
Thank you for your work. Quick question (I’ll spare the extensive personal history around this!). What is your sense of the range of grid points on the Becker Hagens system? My locus and connection is very specifically related to point 17 on the Mexican border. I have also been living in Mount Shasta for 7 years! Blessings, Helen
Hi Helen, thank you for contacting Vortex Hunters. Point 17 is a powerful convergence point, and I have always been drawn to it, although I’ve never been there. I was told that the range of any sort of effect is approximately 30 miles each way from the center of any line, decreasing as you get further away. The range varies at grid points, depending on the number of converging lines. Best wishes to you!
Interesting. Intuitively I feel it’s much larger. 12 years ago when I was shown that point internally with no conscious reference I was later shown a radius of 3-4 hours drive ie 250 miles or so. There’s a lot I could share but how interesting you also feel it. It was shown as my souls home for incarnating on earth, this time anyway. - Helen -
26 January 2025
Arden, DE is a Utopian village nestled between two forests with streams that contain huge boulders of glacial rock. Situated in nature but right near the I95 corridor. Huge public green with labyrinth, a community hall/barn that holds energy raising concerts. An artist community. 50 percent green space. Lots of wildlife. It is an energy blip in a desert. Things just feel different here.
It looks amazing! Thank you for letting us know about this location.
21 January 2025
I should preface the following by explaining that I am a longtime skeptic of the paranormal. Though I do find it interesting/entertaining, I have never been a believer. In addition, I know very little about it. I say this in the interest of transparency, so that you may disregard this if you feel like it's a waste of time to entertain a nonbeliever. Please contact me either way. Several years ago, I had a peculiar dream. It was the middle of the night. I was on the shore of a gray beach, on an island with a single tree. Innumerable lanterns hung in its boughs, these and cold starlight were the only illumination. No moon hung in the sky. The tree was made of iron, it was cool to the touch. The water, stretching out to the horizon, was pitch black. A raven emerged from the dark of the night, and landed in front of me. It spoke without moving its beak, looking directly into my eyes. 'Stupid crone, you forget who you are. You'll think this is a dream, but this is important. Go to where the leylines converge. You'll know what to do there.' I woke up. Needless to say, I don't know where the leylines converge, and I don't think I'll know what to do when I get there, if there's anything to be done. I basically just wrote it off as a very strange dream, but every once in a while it will appear nagging in my memory. My research on the subjects has yielded very little promising, solid information. Many maps of leylines exist and there seems to be very little in the way of consensus amongst the community about it. The spiritually inclined that I've talked to pointed me to this place or the other, eventually someone mentioned the term vortex and now I'm in your inbox. If you could point me in a direction, I would very much appreciate it. That way I can just go there, do something and maybe everything or nothing will happen and I can delete it from the back of my mind. In any case, thank you for your time.
Skeptics are welcome here! My own journey into the paranormal started with a vivid dream. I do not know how to interpret dreams, but when I entered your dream into a free dream interpretation website, it answered with what seemed to be very logical reasons for the appearances in your dream. Regarding 'where the ley lines converge', the most powerful leyline convergence point on dry land in North America is said to be Lake Louise, Canada. You might also take a look at the 12 Vile Vortices, Sedona, Mount Shasta, or the Grand Tetons, as hot spots for Earth energies. I hope this helps and good luck on your journeys!
19 January 2025
External link: I Believe The Universe Might Be Able To Think. video
11 January 2025
I am writing to report about a strong native american energy vortex located in the hillcrest subdivision in hollywood,florida Since living here on and off starting from 2014, I have personally seen and felt many different strange paranormal phenomenon such as tall silver-like energy pillars standing on the field across from my building, strange energetic rings on the roads, and little white-golden colored energy balls on the road, which curiously did not dissipate when cars ran over them...they usually appeared after it rained outside. I have also found green, blue, and red colored laser like sticks in the neighborhood lake, which had a healing like effect when applied to various parts of the body. in addition, the kitchen lights in my parents apt, always flicker on and off and the elevator in the building would constantly break down. Unfortunately, there is no longer an empty field across from my apt building, nor any more of the various golf courses that this neighborhood was famous for, as they built a huge division of houses and town houses to replace them. Nevertheless, when sleeping over here (where my parents still live) I often here voices in my sleep and footsteps and have seen mysterious blue and green energies in my bedroom late at night. One time, I even felt an energetic presence nudge or push me on to my side because my back was hurting and I wanted to change positions. My personal theory is that this area used to belong to native american tribes, maybe even ceremonial lands. The vegetation; flora and fauna are distinct from the surrounding cities and towns and we have lot of fruit trees growing here, including a huge former passion fruit thicket (which was demolished when they built the new houses) People often report a feeling of peace overcome them as they enter the neighborhood and park their car in the parking lot of my condo. Thank you and I am looking forward to receiving any ideas about what this could be, vortex or not. kind regards, Philip
Greetings and thank you for sharing your experience. This very well could be a spiritual vortex of native american tribes. It is also very close to one of the tips of the Bermudua Triangle. We could not find corroborating information from any other source. Please send any photos, videos, or any other evidence you have to support this claim.
10 January 2025
External link: Have you heard of the ‘Devil’s Chair’ in this Florida cemetery?
External link: UFO sighting? Fort Lauderdale flight crew spots something strange in the sky
7 January 2025
I wrote a guide on how to dimensional travel using the natural portals. Can I send you the draft? I am here to help humans but I am a catalyst and am not here to profit off humanity. You can have the book which needs to be edited a bit if you want to share it with people to help. I must insist that all humans using the guide are respectful to the beings they meet in different dimensions and an exchange of energy is required for non exploitation. This can be as simple as extending the energy of gratitude. Humans aren’t ready but my time here is running out. If you want it email me back and I will send it. My goal is to help as many humans before I leave.
Hello, thank you and please send your dimensional travel guide and we will review it to share here on our website.
5 January 2025
External link: There's been a Scandal, Here are the Facts: St. Anne's Retreat Legends
3 January 2025
I am Jennifer. I visited Crater Lake in August of 2018. My youngest son and I were traveling and that was one of our stops. I really had very little understanding of Vortexes and I didn’t know that it was considered one at the time. We were heading down from the lodge and stopped at the gift shop for a bit. When I was getting into the car to leave I had a very powerful feeling like the entire earth lifted under me. I was dizzy and unwell for probably 7-8 days to follow. I finally got myself a massage because I just couldn’t get feeling better. The day after my massage I started feeling very much better. I can’t explain any of it really, I was just looking at your list and got confirmation that other do in fact consider it a vortex. Thanks for letting me tell my experience.
Hi Jennifer, thank you for sharing your experience with us! Your post has been added to the Crater Lake Vortex page.
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