Vortex Type: Spook Light, UFO
The Brown Mountain Lights are a series of ghost lights reported near Brown Mountain in North Carolina. The lights can be seen from the Blue Ridge Parkway at mile posts 310 (Brown Mountain Light overlook) and 301 (Green Mountain overlook) and from the Brown Mountain Overlook on NC Highway 181 between Morganton, NC and Linville, NC. Additionally, good sightings of the Lights have been reported from the top of Table Rock, outside of Morganton, NC. One of the best vantage points, Wiseman's View, is about 4 miles from Linville Falls, NC. There is also a Brown Mountain Overlook on North Carolina Highway 181 that was recently improved with help from the city of Morganton for the purpose of attracting those who visit the area to see the lights. The best time of year to see them is reportedly September through early November.
One early account of the lights dates from September 24, 1913, as reported in the Charlotte Daily Observer. A fisherman claimed to have seen “mysterious lights seen just above the horizon every night,” red in color, with a pronounced circular shape. Soon after this account, a United States Geological Survey employee, D.B. Stewart, studied the area in question and determined the witnesses had mistaken train lights for something more mysterious.
Reports of odd lights continued, and a more formal US Geological Survey study began in 1922, which determined that witnesses had misidentified automobile or train lights, fires, or mundane stationary lights. However, according to a marker on the Blue Ridge Parkway, a massive flood struck the area soon after the completion of the USGS study; all electrical power was lost and trains were inoperative for a period of time thereafter. Several automotive bridges were also washed out. The Brown Mountain lights, however, continued to appear. - Wikipedia
1 Feb 2025
Bermuda Triangle, Mount Shasta and Buffalo Lake Ley Line Map. In west NC where the pictured ley line travels through. Brown mtn lights, very famous, should be able to find plenty of info. Once featured in an Xfiles episode, but kind of off topic. Excellent episode though. Have personally witnessed the weird; looked like someone using an arc welder in various spots on the cliffs of the Linville Gorge as viewed from Wiseman's View, where Brown mountain can also be seen. - Anonymous
Image by Thomson200 (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons
Faculty and students at Appalachian State are investigating the Brown Mountain Lights
Brown Mountain Lights local news report
Brown Mountain Lights with audio during a National Geographic shoot
The Mystery of the Brown Mountain Lights
ASU scientists think they've captured images of WNC's unexplained Brown Mountain Lights
The Brown Mountain Lights Mystery: What Are They?
Mystery of the Brown Mountain Lights fueled by new pictures
Brown Mountain Lights & Alien Abduction Coast to Coast AM
A ghost light in North Carolina has people scratching their heads. What's the explanation?
Brown Mountain Lights are back in business
In Search of the Brown Mountain Lights