Vortex Hunters Blog


  • 28 April 2018

    Many car accidents, strange energy , it's right at an old bridge past the pillars in Nashville TN, There have been many accidents and I've witness some strange stuff , crazy enough I witness a car flip in front of me but time slowed down and I made eye contact with the driver and it was tho time was slowed down very weird , There's more too it also Nolensville road @ grassmere zoo like about 150 feet from the light going north I can try and get the exact location on map quest. Thank you Your more than welcome to contact me for further info . - Tereeza

    Hi Tereeza, thanks and please send a mapquest or google maps link.

  • 28 April 2018

    Greetings. I really enjoy your website. I wanted to suggest a new location as this town is a prime example of a vortex. The town is New Harmony, Indiana. It is located in the south west corner of the state, along the Wabash river (bordering Illinois). The site originated as a religious utopia experiment. The town then was sold to another owner and attempted to become an intellectual utopia before eventually becoming a more "normal" type of town. The town itself could be a historical landmark as there are numerous buildings that are 100+ years old that are still being used to this day. Once you enter the town limits, a change in the air can be felt, as if you stepped into a different time. I don't have any photo/video evidence, but a quick search on google will pop up quite a bit of interesting stuff. The town is a paranormal hotbed and ghosts are pretty spotted in every building in the original part of town. - Bill

    Hi Bill, thank you for suggesting the New Harmony, Indiana Vortex. What interesting history!

  • 27 April 2018

    Bali, Indoneisa. I just returned from Bali, Indonesia and it is indeed an energy vortex. - Danielle

    Greetings Danielle, thank you! We will research Bali as a vortex location.

  • 26 April 2018

    Myrtle beach an ashram is here - annabellelee

  • 25 April 2018

    I am trying to locate some vortexes near me. I am located at Carmel, IN. Thanks! - Menchie

    Hi Menchie, we have not received any reports of vortices in Indiana. If you find one, please let us know!

  • 13 April 2018

    A comment on 'When Spirit Orbs Attack - A Vortex Hunters Paranormal Investigation' video. We have similar videos of them going inside us and coming out of us. Yes, we are crazy but i don’t care what anybody thinks or says. If was happening to you it would be real. We got “vertigo” bad after being around them for a while. I am curious to what people who have really had experienced this have to say about negative effects or how the whole thing played out over time. Please reach out with any stories you would like to share.

  • 13 April 2018

    Question about Lake Louise and Victoria - I read your information about the vortex at Lake Louise and read in another article that Victoria BC has and intersection of ley lines that run East/West and North/South. Is this intersection connected to the vortex at Lake Louise? Thanks! - C

    Hi C, Lake Louise is located at a major intersection of ley lines according to Becker-Hagens World Grid Map. Victoria, BC is on a main leyline between Lake Louise and another major vortex in the Pacific Ocean. Victoria is a magical place, and in my opinion, so is all of Vancouver Island. Thanks for your question!

  • 12 April 2018

    We have manifested into reality a safe sacred crystal charging energy vortex zone. Our space is our own energy vortex created to heal our fellow brothers and sisters. Our main source of energy is coming from a 111kg single point Quartz crystal, along with many many other crystals. Along with Crystal singing bowls where we do soundbaths. Those who have experienced time in our space leave feeling re-juvinated, sense of overall awareness has been heightened, feeling of gratitude and heart filled with love. Our guest actually just left today saying "When I first arrived I already felt this energy that I feel when I am in Sedona and at burning man, its like an Energy Vortex" - AXIMAL

  • 11 April 2018

    Vortices in VA - I would like to know where the votexes are in and around Virginia. - kenneth

    Hello Kenneth, here is our list of vortexes in Virginia

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