morro rock vortex


Morro Rock Vortex

  • Vortex Type: Energy

    Morro Rock is a volcanic plug that rises 581 feet above the Pacific Ocean in Morro Bay, California. It is a popular tourist destination, known for its stunning views and abundant wildlife. But for many, Morro Rock is also a powerful vortex of energy. Some believe that it is due to the rock's unique geological formation. Others believe that the rock is located on a major energy line. Still others believe that the rock is simply a sacred place with a powerful spiritual energy.




    in the late 70's a few of us local boys climbed morro rock one clear evening. we knew where the old stairs are (they go about 2/3 down from the top, there used to be wood stairs the rest of the way down). it is a strong point of yang energy. very ver...


    This vortex was registered on 11.28.19 by Ashley

    This landform is incredibly breathtaking. It is massive and vibrates with a very prominent energy. I am a classically trained Feng Shui practitioner and I could viscerally feel the energy emanating from the Rock as I surveyed it. This experience was so surreal that I consulted with a channel and she confirmed that Morro Rock is indeed a vortex. - Ashley


    morro rock vortex



    Morro Rock image 1 by Mike Baird from Morro Bay, USA [CC BY 2.0 (] from Wikipedia

    Morro Rock image 2 from Wikipedia


    Note: There is currently no scientific method to prove that vortexes exist. Just because a location is on the vortex map, does not prove there is a vortex there. What it means, is that someone suggested the location and provided evidence or a personal account, and/or we found corroborating evidence from other sources. We do this so other visitors to the site can send us their opinion on the validity of the vortex claim, to build a consensus.

    Have you visited this location? If so, contact us and let us know if you think this place is a vortex or not. We will post your comments here.