Pic de Bugarach vortex


Bugarach Vortex

  • Vortex Type: UFO

    The Pic de Bugarach or Pech de Bugarach is the highest summit (1230 m) in the Corbières mountains in the French Midi. The western part of the mountain is located on the territory of the commune of Bugarach. Its eastern part is on the territory of Camps-sur-l'Agly. The geology of the Pic de Bugarach is striking. Its top layer is an overthrust from the Iberian plate and is older than the bottom ones. This has given rise to its description as an "upside-down mountain".


  • It is possible to climb up the Bugarach: a classical route called "Voie de la fenêtre" because of a big hole in a cliff, climbs the South face. One may go down via the easiest route, North, and join the "Col de Linas".

    Climbing still requires a good physical condition, and the mountain has claimed the life of at least one unprepared tourist.

    Due to the mountain's unusual geology, a number of New Agers (called "esoterics" by local residents) believed that the mountain contained aliens living in a spacecraft. This group also believed that the upcoming end to the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar would result in some form of apocalypse. They believed that on 21 December 2012, the aliens supposedly living in the mountain would emerge to save them. As a result, some members of the group had taken to living on or near the mountain, and The Independent reported that up to 100,000 people might have been planning a trip prior to the believed apocalypse date.

    Source: Wikipedia


    By ArnoLagrange via Wikimedia Commons

    Google Maps

    Apocalypse 2012: France's Bugarach Peak Draws Believers Who Await Alien Rescuers

    Bugarach: the mystery surrounding the village

    UFO Sighting - Pic de Bugarach video

    Pic de Bugarach - an upside-down mountain?

    Pic de Bugarach; Waiting for the end of the world video


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