bridgewater triangle vortex


Bridgewater Triangle Vortex

  • Vortex Type: Paranormal, UFO

    The Bridgewater Triangle refers to an area of about 200 square miles (520 km2) within southeastern Massachusetts in the United States, claimed to be a site of alleged paranormal phenomena, ranging from UFOs to poltergeists and orbs, balls of fire and other spectral phenomena, various "bigfoot" sightings, giant snakes and "thunderbirds", as well as the mutilation of cattle and other livestock.


  • Specific boundaries of the Bridgewater Triangle were first defined by paranormal researcher Loren Coleman in his book Mysterious America and said to encompass the towns of Abington, Rehoboth and Freetown at the points of the triangle, and Brockton, Whitman, West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Bridgewater, Middleboro, Dighton, Berkley, Raynham, Norton, Easton, Lakeville, Seekonk, and Taunton inside the triangle.

    Central to the area is Hockomock Swamp, which means "the place where spirits dwell". Also found within the boundaries of the Bridgewater Triangle is the Dighton Rock. The Freetown-Fall River State Forest has reportedly been the site of various cult activity including animal sacrifice, ritualistic murders committed by admitted Satanists, as well as a number of gangland murders and a number of suicides.

    Common to most of these areas is a mix of reported phenomena that includes reports of UFOs, mysterious animals and hominids, ghosts and poltergeists and animal mutilations.

    UFO sightings: During the 1970s a number of UFO reports originated from the area of the Triangle, including an account by multiple witnesses at Joseph's Restaurant in Rehoboth in 1973, reports from two Boston radio reporters (channel WHDH) on March 23, 1979, and reported in the Sunday Enterprise.

    Bigfoot sightings: There have been several reported sightings of a bigfoot-like creature in the triangle, usually near the Hockomock swamp. Joseph DeAndrade claimed to see a half man and half ape creature entering the woods near the swamp in 1978. Local resident John Baker also reported seeing a large hairy beast in a river in the swamp while canoeing.

    Thunderbird sightings: Giant birds or pterodactyl-like flying creature with wingspans 8–12 feet are claimed to have been seen in Hockomock Swamp and neighboring Taunton, including a report by Norton Police Sergeant Thomas Downy.

    Spooklights: Will-o'-the-wisp, sometimes known as ghost lights, a phenomenon typically seen in boggy or swampy areas, has been reported. These lights are also said to appear along train tracks every January, and foxfire has often been observed within the swamp.

    Animal mutilations: Various incidents of animal mutilation have been reported, particularly in Freetown and Fall River, where local police were called to investigate mutilated animals believed to be the work of a cult. Two specific incidents in 1998 were reported: one in which a single adult cow was found butchered in the woods; the other in which a group of calves were discovered in a clearing, grotesquely mutilated as if part of a ritual sacrifice.

    Satanic Rituals: The Freetown-Fall River State Forest (within the Triangle) has been the site of several gruesome murders purported to be committed by Satanists or otherwise consistent with Satanic rituals. Indian curses: According to one tale, the Native Americans had cursed the swamp centuries ago because of the poor treatment they received from the Colonial settlers. Source - wikipedia

    08 June 2023 Post

    Bridgewater triangle not sure what this is.

    Bridgewater vortex


    18 December 2015 Post

    I am glad I found your website because it shed some light on something that happened to me a couple months ago. I was driving from Maine to Cn. To visit a friend and I thought I was almost there, when I realized I was driving North on the same interstate, which I had been traveling South on and I had backtracked to within 70 miles of Boston!!! I have absolutely no recollection of exiting the freeway and getting back on again in the wrong direction. After looking at your map, I realized I was in the Bridgewater Triangle when it happened. Also, vortexes do move, or at least the healing part can and will move if it is contaminated with too much sick energy. The first time I went to Sedona I arrived at 2am and did not have a map of the vortexes. I was guided to a healing Vortex and advised to sleep in it, which I did. My guide identified herself as the White Buffalo Psychic and she told me the vortexes had moved. The next day I got a map of the vortexes and discovered I had slept near bell rock, but not where the Vortex was on the map. There was much sick energy on Bell Rock. I walked down the trail and reached out and touched a tree - big mistake!! The jolt I received felt like hitting a metal filling with a fork!! Very unpleasant!! - Mary Ann


    Image By uploaded by Kimon Berlin, user:Gribeco [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

    Can't see the forest for the deeds

    The Bridgewater Triangle Area

    Massachusetts' paranormal hot spot

    The Bridgewater Triangle and Hockomock Swamp in Massachusetts - A New Age / Prophecy Discussion

    The Bridgewater Triangle & The King Philip War Theory


    Note: There is currently no scientific method to prove that vortexes exist. Just because a location is on the vortex map, does not prove there is a vortex there. What it means, is that someone suggested the location and provided evidence or a personal account, and/or we found corroborating evidence from other sources. We do this so other visitors to the site can send us their opinion on the validity of the vortex claim, to build a consensus.

    Have you visited this location? If so, contact us and let us know if you think this place is a vortex or not. We will post your comments here.