Pyramid Lake Vortex


Pyramid Lake Vortex

  • Vortex Type: Energy

    Pyramid Lake is located in southeastern Washoe County in western Nevada about 40 mi (64 km) northeast of Reno. Pyramid Lake is fed by the Truckee River, which is mostly the outflow from Lake Tahoe. Pyramid Lake has no outlet, with water leaving only by evaporation, or sub-surface seepage (an endorheic lake).


  • The name of the lake comes from the impressive cone or pyramid shaped tufa formations found in the lake and along the shores. The largest such formation, Anaho Island, is home to a large colony of American White Pelicans and is restricted for ecological reasons. Access to the Needles, another spectacular tufa formation at the northern end of the lake has also been restricted due to recent vandalism. - wikipedia

    This vortex was registered on 08.02.14 by David M.

    Hello, I did not see any vortexes in Nevada? Carson city, Pyramid Lake, Las Vegas to mention a few???

    Post on 5 June 2023

    Good-Rich Day!

    Reno is so close to HELL you can see SPARKS!

    Yes you can see Sparks  from Reno and Reno from Sparks here in northern Nevada. Hell or Heaven is dependent upon your gambling abilities in these casino towns.

    Heading north on Vista Blvd. a traveler finds Red Hawk Golf Course where for a brief couple of years '05-'07 we had a home on the course, our street? Comet Linear Drive,  the move to Nevada from the Salish Seas of Seattle having been guided by Hale Bop, comet of comets.

    This Spanish Springs location lies between Reno/Sparks and Pyramid Lake the twin to Lake Tahoe, the Truckee river the umbilical of fresh water to the alkaline waters of Pyramid Lake which along with The Great Salt Lake, Honey Lake north and Walker Lake to the south formed the ancient Great Basin sea. Pyramid Lake is majestic, beautiful and stirred by geothermal fissures that built the tufa formed pyramid on the east side of the lake along with the tufa Maiden. The Pinnacles at the lakes northern most point are another of Mother Earth's Tufa art.

    Oh and yes indeed this twin to Tahoe is mysterious and deadly.

    My wife Angela and I were fortunate enough to get to camp on Agate Bay home of course to the Pyramid, Maiden and other glorious tufa formations, beautiful dark sand, warm shallow water of the bay and agates shimmering at your feet. Most of our experience solitary as far as humans go. Walk a short distance after dark and a multitude begins to assemble. Coyotes, not 'saying' anything, their collective energy apparently caused you to glance, the eye catching a silent wisp of gray at another spot an ear? Was that an eye? Eyes? Many eyes? Yes. Many, many eyes. Coyote haven by this alkaline sea. Haven for Bighorn Sheep and desert antelope, lizards, rattlers, tarantulas and glass scorpions. A wolf, a Ute Pyramid Tribal Member, young, strong, powerfully built magically appearing gradually from The Agate Bay? At first I thought "that cormorant seems to be coming close" Angela thought it was a pelican. Then it was getting bigger, the tribal drums way, way, way across the lake getting clearer individual tones crisp.

    "I'm Keith" he announced the water on him shining in our fires light, his presence compelling, his hand extended. We stood in welcome and in awe and schook his hand. Had he just swam? "Did you just swim across?" "Across The Lake?" "Swim, across THE LAKE?" Yes, he had, asked how we were, good. Did we have a permit, yes, I started to get it, that's ok. I know you have one he said and smiled. Angela asked was there a ceremony for which the drums were playing? Keith said "you can hear that?" with an astonished look on his face. Yes we said aloud and thought of course but now thinking back? In a moment, we exchanged gentle departing sentiments and his being pointilistically evaporated by virtue of his physical being fading from the light of our fire as he waded back into the night and the shallow water of the bay or as this being ghosted or as perhaps this mother pelican leaves it's baby on the nearby sacred Anaho Island pelican sanctuary. Our choice, for me all of it plus one more.

    Hey to you fellow good swimmer, be aware, be careful.

    At this Agate Bay you can swim to the Pyramid, smaller tufa formations to explore between. I told my wife in the sunlight this day that I was swimming out there. Another motor home had arrived for the day and had parked by The Maiden. As I swam for what I thought was the first tufa formations I saw a huge white creature rapidly coming up at me! Startled, I stopped pushing both arms in a reverse butterfly in front of me STOP! It didn't move.  It was the familiar tufa bubble round, a form just below the surface. I stood up on it in ankle deep water and shouted hello to my wife on the beach. I appeared to be almost standing on the water from her observation point.

    After swimming to the next formation and the next, the largest of the tufa formations besides the pyramid itself and walking about I swam back to have lunch.

    Our RV neighbors son, a California surfer had just drowned right then! I have never been in calmer more benign waters. Beyond my grasp of the mysterious. Twice more, on the day we were there and near to us human life's were lost. Our respect is sealed in our hearts for this place and the people for whom this was a transition portal, a vortex. Pyramid Lake.

    The home on Comet Linear looked out across the golf course, homes and condominiums on the other side. Weirdness that became consistent were shadow people, tall grey accompanied by short grey, regularly scheduled tourist destination landings of semi visible craft from let us say not our plane/ dimension/demention, street light attracted semi visible craft/being drawing volumes of electrical energies, empty appearing but lit inside houses on the other side of the golf course.

    For this last shall we say phenomena we were catching glimpses in our peripheral vision of a family settling in for dinner or clearing the table after. Normal activity but what we began to realize was it was happening so rapidly as to cause us to question if we were seeing things, our vision tricking us.

    It was too consistent So I "strobed" the visual input to my eyes by rapidly waving my hand up and down in front of my eyes, the fingers providing the strobe effect. There it was, people like us doing home activities, dinner, dishes, in all appearance like everyday people but real, real fast. Real fast. So fast the only way our sight could gather input was by this strobe method.

    My logic recalled the idea in quantum physics that multitudes of universes occupy spaces in what can be thought as the same, separated by widths of a particle. Here it was in front of us and every once in a while we saw the same familiar quirky facial expression on them catching glimpses of us!

    Comet Linear Drive is most definitely a two way street. At least visually out back across the golf course/ multiverse. After all we saw them see us.

    Down to earth we would hear heavy equipment. Not like you hear in your neighborhood but under the house, underground, every day during working hours.

    We learned they were putting a park on the hillside a couple of miles down the road, the work being extensive and including playing fields and parking lots. All of this required large scrapers and dozers. OK but how come we're hearing like it's under our house not down the road?

    Then one day in our bedroom suite the answer came. On a Saturday, no heavy equipment. There was Rock 'n Roll. There was a boat motor and people's voices shouting back and forth, the sound fluctuating just like it does in a ski boat. We were hearing in real time a ski boat picking up their skier as clearly as if we were out in the middle of Pyramid Lake with them.

    Do I assume saying Pyramid Lake. Well, yes I thought this may be assuming but the next water ski lake is Rye Patch Reservoir of the Humboldt River complex way further up I-80 close to Winemucca. 

    My logic followed tufa bubbles under the Great Basin Sea now the multitudinous Great Basin alkaline flats under which must be tufa formations. We now know most of Nevada sits on a huge aquifer.

    Sound bounces round and round oh ya and it comes out here. (Louis Armstrong explaining brass instruments, "well the music goes round and round, pointing at the brass pipes curling around "and it comes out here" he points at the bell.

    What difference would it be if sound traveled down into the water and into tufa formations bubbles, bounces around and comes up. Does it matter how far away on the surface one point is from another? I don't think it matters. It's the clarity of the sound. It's only delayed by the speed of sound.

    The Red Hawk Golf Course and community of homes sits up on the Spanish Springs alkaline flats or what I describe as "alkaline flats". These alkaline flats such as The Black Rock Desert where The Burning Man Festival is held annually are extended basins of various vegetated and non-vegetated states. This smaller flats in Spanish Springs is surrounded by the rolling hills of grasslands and sage brush and pinon. These are the fodder for the binoculars and the telescope. Of course other homes are also the object of observation. "Dear, do you want your robe?"

    Looking through the glasses on day I saw the reconnisence teams in camouflage about the hills. There seemed to be a game about involving we the observers/observed and the camouflage teams. Can you see me? The camouflage became more sophisticated. The digital mirroring from behind as forward display type could be seen through binoculars because the vibration rate although close to the surrounding flora color wise had a static grind to it right at their location. Like static on your radio. Yes it was quite sophisticated in that you couldn't altogether see what was there but you could pinpoint the location.

    So to be a smartass I spotted about 6 or 7 locations put down the binoculars (I knew as part of the game I was observed) and I went out the slider to the back yard. Then knowing they were waiting with baited breath I turned towards the first one pointed my right hand skyward and brought it down directly upon them. I immediately repeated this "brought to bare" pointing out of every one of their locations. After all it was a game wasn't it?

    Maybe not. At this point a  giant "static' visually disrupted but not impaired area of 200 feet high by 80 feet wide 100 feet in front of me seemed to have raged up on me in a most intimidating manner. Ya, I really should have been blown away, shrank back shivering like a mouse but I can only assume that much to their consternation I confidently stood my ground. What were they going to do? Dissemble me molecularly in my backyard on the golf course? Their bluff called I went back inside. Intimidate somebody else.

    Ultimately I configure and feed the phenomenon with the intensity of the emotion I convey singularly or together with others or with the arc type. The shadow people are alarming upon initial observation, then annoying then not. Not at all.

    We currently live on the west side of Reno, which lies between Lake Tahoe and Pyramid lake. Our elevation is close to 4,800 feet altitude, the valley floor, sea floor of the The Great Basin averages around 4,500 feet altitude in this land of fossils, gold, silver, opals, turquoise and meteors. Mystery abounds as do vortexes.

    Our bedroom window views off in the distance Spanish Springs / Red Hawk Golf Course. The Encyclopedia Vortex as I named in my experiential reference. The extraterrestrial inter universal vacation destination port visible to us now. The super bright lights are brought up regularly and point directly at our window, we the observed/observers see the departing humanoid figure walking towards us back lighted in bright golden light. Welcome! Reno, so close to Heaven you can see Sparks...........of gold.

    Peace, Sean

    Pyramid Lake Vortex Links and Articles

    Image By Jonas Dovydenas [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

    Google Maps

    The Water Babies of Pyramid Lake

    Water Baby Legend in Pyramid Lake (video)

    Elemental 144 Points of Light Project

    Pyramid Lake, Nevada

    Welcome to Pyramid Lake



    YouTube video

    NASA photo


    Note: There is currently no scientific method to prove that vortexes exist. Just because a location is on the vortex map, does not prove there is a vortex there. What it means, is that someone suggested the location and provided evidence or a personal account, and/or we found corroborating evidence from other sources. We do this so other visitors to the site can send us their opinion on the validity of the vortex claim, to build a consensus.

    Have you visited this location? If so, contact us and let us know if you think this place is a vortex or not. We will post your comments here.