Vortex Type: Energy, Ancient
The Callanish Stones are an arrangement of standing stones placed in a cruciform pattern with a central stone circle.
The Callanish Stones are an arrangement of standing stones placed in a cruciform pattern with a central stone circle. They were erected in the late Neolithic era, and were a focus for ritual activity during the Bronze Age. They are near the village of Callanish (Gaelic: Calanais) on the west coast of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland.
According to one tradition, the Callanish Stones were petrified giants who would not convert to Christianity. In the 17th century the people of Lewis were calling the stones fir bhrèige "false men". Another legend is that early on midsummer morning an entity known as the "Shining One" walks the length of the avenue, his coming heralded by the call of the cuckoo. - Wikipedia
Image by: Netvor from Wikimedia Commons
The Magic of Scotland’s Ancient Callanish Standing Stones
Callanais (Callanish) Stone Circle
The Standing Stones of Callanish video
The Callanish Stones walking route
Goddess Worship at the Callanish Stones in Scotland
The Megaliths Of The Outer Hebrides
The Top Ten Spiritual Destinations
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