Vortex Type: Energy, Paranormal
Great Falls Park is a small National Park Service site in Virginia, United States. Situated on 800 acres (3.65 km2) along the banks of the Potomac River in northern Fairfax County. The Great Falls of the Potomac River are near the northern boundary of the park. Native American petroglyphs have been discovered within the park on cliffs overlooking Difficult Run. - Wikipedia
This vortex was suggested by: Kevin and Kina 10/31/17
We believe we found a vortex at Great Falls National Park, Va. See our video
Here is the info we used in the video:
Great Falls is a national park along the Potomac River a few miles northwest of Washington, D.C.
The falls and rapids descend about 76 feet in less than a mile, creating swirling pockets of energy.
Native Americans lived here for centuries, carving petroglyphs into rock formations at this sacred spot.
We first were led by the divining rod to this point near the top of where the falls descend on 10/22/17.
At this site, the rods crossed each other, seeming to point to the swirling water in front of us.
The pendulum began from a standstill position to make a wide circle....moving in a counter-clockwise direction.
Five days later, we returned to Great Falls to check points below the main falls. The pendulum and rod didn't move much, if at all.It moved more closer to the bottom of the falls.
We returned to the point just above the main falls where it moved a lot five days before.
The pendulum again moved rapidly in a wide circle, this time clockwise...... We believe this is a vortex spot.
Great Falls is an intriguing place but also dangerous. An average of seven people drown in the swirling rapids each year.
Some fall in, some fall off kayaks and some are sucked in while wading in only ankle-deep water. So don't wade in the water, even if it doesn't appear dangerous.
Some say they have seen ghosts of some drowning victims. We didn't see any ghosts but believe there is something intriguing about this area....
Perhaps this element of danger adds to the vortex energy....If you venture here, take care.... Kevin and Kina
Image credit: Mehul Antani via Wikimedia Commons
National Park Service - Great Falls
Ghost Town Matildaville, Great Falls National Park
Note: There is currently no scientific method to prove that vortexes exist. Just because a location is on the vortex map, does not prove there is a vortex there. What it means, is that someone suggested the location and provided evidence or a personal account, and/or we found corroborating evidence from other sources. We do this so other visitors to the site can send us their opinion on the validity of the vortex claim, to build a consensus.
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