Vortex Type: Energy, Paranormal
Point Pleasant WVa/Vortex of Rivers, the Amazing/horrifying happenings in 66/Mothman/MIB's UFOs and of course the Silver Bridge collapse b4 Christmas. have been in the region multiple times. A beautiful area all around, both sides of the Great Ohio. - Sent by anonymous
The Shawnee Chief Cornstalk was taken prisoner and later killed by an angry mob at Fort Randolph on 10 November 1777. Legend has it that he put a blood curse on the town.
By Charles Johnson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The Mothman Prophecies (about the film)
The Real Story Of The Mothman Prophecies
The Creepy Small Town In West Virginia With Insane Paranormal Activity
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