Vortex Hunters Blog


  • 14 October 2014


    There is a place in Williams Oregon you can park your car on this hill and put car in neutral and you will roll uphill. - Joe

  • 12 October 2014


    I don't know if this is a vortex or not. It was taken at a gym in Santa Maria, CA. I was taking a selfie and I could not see my reflection. I had to wait about 30 seconds before it was clear. - Martha


    spa vortex


  • 30 October 2014


    I am fascinated looking at your photos. I do think there is an energy there in the photos. Great Catch Girl. - mysticnirvana

  • 01 October 2014


    On Grand Island NY this city is between Buffalo NY and Niagara Falls NY. The vortex is at Buckhorn Island State Park. This is a nature preserve. It has walking trails on the niagara river This was all indian ground at one time. It is on baseline Road on Grand Island NY. I have 6 pictures that spin like crazy. I walk the trails with my friend and dog twice and I took pics for the fall foliage and when I got home and viewed them they were all spinning . As I went beyond the entrance the pictures became normal. - chery

  • 29 Sepember 2014


    Curious about Tujunga, California. I am a very intuitive being and was drawn here in 1984. I knew it was the place I wanted to live and just seemed to pull me to the place we would buy. Even though it is in the city of Los Angeles, it doesn't feel like LA. I feel complete peace here. A little investigation about the area revealed it was a sacred place of the Tongva Indians meaning "place of the old woman" (Mother Earth). The Tujunga wash is the intersection of different creeks and rivers that make it's way down from the Los Angeles Crest Mountains notable Mt. Gleason. THE TUJUNGA CANYON CONTACTS by Ann Druffel and D. Scott Rogo talks about 5 alien abductions that took place in 1973, UFO sitings as well as other parapsychological phenomena. There are several ley lines that meet here, from Lemon Grove, Torrance and others. When I looked at your Dragon Lines it looks like it moves through here. - Jackie


    Very interesting! We drive by there quite often. And honestly, I get a vibe every time going through that La Tuna Canyon area. Anywhere in peculiar, oops I mean particular, we should look? - J

  • 25 Sepember 2014


    We have an international campaign to make parents aware of the dangers of Ouija Boards and the fact that they can be downloaded and bought in toy stores. Could you help the campaign by sharing the link below?

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