Vortex Hunters Blog


  • 13 March 2016


    I was backing by myself in Inyo National Forest, California, just outside Yosemite National Park on the east side out of the Saddle Bag Lake trailhead. Head north around the lake to the eastern flank of North Peak. Just off the trail to the west is a glacial bowl with a fabulous waterfall coming out. Walk up into the bowl where you’ll find a beautiful lake and incredible energy. You also might run into the spirit guardian. - Arrow


    Yosemite has been added to the Global Vortex Map. - J

  • 11 March 2016


    I've recently seen (through my 3rd eye) a vortex or star gate on a highly energized Site near, at the north Joshua Tree National Monument in California. It was glassy but crystal clear to me. There were 2 pillars of stone, on each side of a water vortex spinning away from where I was standing. It appeared glossy, silvery, it appeared alive, inviting me to jump into, I almost did but became so excited that the vision ended. The precise spot it happened was felt by Seers , Cannnelers, Shamens, and friends. Please let me know if anyone has had a similar experience in the region. - Joel


    Hi Joel, Joshua Tree has been added to the Global Vortex Map,

  • 07 March 2016


    Canmore Alberta on the very old hospital site. Lots of energy there and lost souls. - Anonymous

  • 26 February 2016


    I am so Intrigued about the ley lines and the vortexes here in Utah and around the world. I'm also interested in other dimensions. I want to learn more I would love to get more information from you. - Sherron

  • 22 February 2016


    Hi, I'm from the United Kingdom. Is there any known Vortex's in the UK? - Darren


    Here is our U.K. vortex map. - J

  • 20 February 2016


    What do you think about Pt Pleasant WVa/Vortex of Rivers, the Amazing/horrifying happenings in 66/Mothman/MIB's (?) UFOs and of course the Silver Bridge collapse b4 Christmas. have been in the region multiple times. A beautiful area all around, both sides of the Great Ohio. - Jeanne


    I love it! The location, not Mothman. Point Pleasant has been added the vortex map. - J

  • 19 February 2016


    I have several vortex's to report. Morrison Springs just south of Ponce De Leon in North West Florida has a lovely restorative energy. Maybe it's the negative Ions, or all the fresh O2, but a definite feeling of well-being occurs there. I have also traveled to several stone circles in England, Castle Rigg in Cumbria is magestic and I felt to be a very healing and charged place. It sits in the Shadow of Blen Cathra and Skiddaw a mountain where ghost armies have reportedly been sited. I have also been to Long Meg and her Sisters, also in Cumbria. A curious place, also felt very charged! But I am not certain the energy there was as nice as Castle Rigg. I had a mystical experience at Long meg while walking the site line from the rear to the portal before Meg, I paused at one point, only to realize that the exact spot I paused at was the center of the circle. A storm blew up right While I was there, rather suddenly. - Anonymous


    Morrison Springs is a commercial location, but Castlerigg/Long Meg has been added to the vortex map. - J

  • 07 February 2016


    Hi, I just found your website. It is quite interesting. I have heard that Long beach in North Haven Long Island New York is a vortex beach. I am wondering if there is any truth in that..Also the caves in Montauk,Long Island ,New York that there is a vortex where a strange alien has actually actually entered our world..Have you any light to shed on these sites? Thank you very much. - Marylee


    I could not find any vortex related claims for North haven, but I found that Montauk has many articles on strange occurences and the location has been added to our vortex map. Thank you very much for letting us know about this vortex! - J

  • 07 February 2016


    Basye Vortex, Virginia. I took a group here a couple of weeks ago. I had low expectations, but it was definitely something special. There are springs (water), energy, there is a cathedral there so it's a sacred site, and it's very spiritual. - Anonymous


    The Basye Vortex has been added to the Global Vortex Map. - J

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