08 October 2017
Energy vortex with spirit tree found. A little back story - My husband was 'attracted' to a parcel of land years ago- he walked it and spent time looking it over of building prospects (he’s a general construction contractor). Nothing came of the development but the property stayed in his mind . Years later He ended up working near it and maintained contact with inheritors landowners . One day one of the owners called him - desperate to sell it and he decided that it could happen financially and together we purchased two parcels (one included this lot in referi g to)- and it’s neighboring familial parcel. He’d been looking over the land that we purchased and seemed adamant that I go see this tree on this land he’d become the owner of- together we walked it and found ourselves attracted to this old twisted bark cedar tree along the edge of a cliff along a huge freshwater river . It sits slightly in an earthly hallow and appears steadfast and alive with broken limbs and age . I brought a reiki master there along with a few friends and many of us experienced “ears popping”- as if we’d dropped or raised significantly in altitude and felt an amazing feeling of love and peace there - I know we can’t possible build o. This land now - as “the tree” is in the most advantageous spot - and yet we feel compelled to ask for more guidance on how to care or share our place of amazing energy and peace- We want to learn more about our special phenomena and need help. Could you offer any insight ? - Andrea
Hi Andrea, please send GPS coordinates or a Google Maps link (we wont share the location, if you do not want us to), so we can check on ley lines in the area. Oh, and we would love to see a picture of this tree. The fact that you are in tune with the location, and concerned for its well-being, tells us that this sacred place could not be in better hands.
26 September 2017
I am a movement-mind-body researcher who has found a neurological connection to the Vortexes Energy which effects the movement-mind link. I would like to visit any Vortexes around Asheville NC on the 17 0f December if possible. Could you tell me where they are? - Betsy
Hi Betsy, no entity has submitted the exact center of a vortex in North Carolina. For general locations, here is a link to vortexes in N.C.
23 September 2017
are there any vortexes or ley lines in NC - Beverly
Here is a link to vortices in N.C.
21 September 2017
Yes I was invited years ago when I first arrived in ark to come to a prayer circle in the woods somewhere people from all over the us a came I lived in Rogers ark then I was wondering if this place might have been a spiritual cortex area I now live a road the state line in Jane mo I too was wondering if this part of mo has any such areas 1 more question do these areas affect people who get close to them what reasons do people seek these areas out and what purpose do they serve or what reason do they exist? - Cheryl
16 September 2017
I present the Afterlife Spirit Phone. I thought you might enjoy seeing this device, inspired by the victorian era attempts of Edison and Tesla to create devices to Speak to the Dead. Edison’s Spirit Phone, and Tesla’s Spirit Radio never came to market, but Professor Nightshade’s victorian marvel, the Afterlife Spirit-Phone is presented for your amazement. Yes FaceTime with the Dead!!! Watch as Professor Nightshade’s Afterlife Spirit-Phone power’s up to harness psychic energy through the crystal ball, then witness opening the portal of extraordinary communication with unquiet spirits of the bodily dead. Click this Youtube link Hi, my name is Chris Jones, an amateur artist with a home studio in Riverside, CA., and this is my Steampunk Performance Sculpture Experience. I couldn’t find anything like it on the internet, so I set out to conceive, design, engineer and build this performance sculpture as a way of expressing my deep interest in the paranormal. I’m hoping you’ll share this with your paranormal group. I’d like to ask you if you’d consider making a comment about the “Afterlife Spirit Phone” below my Youtube Video. That would certainly be awesome for a old artist like me.
Thank you Chris! Well done!