20 October 2017
18 October 2017
14 October 2017
I'm pretty sure there is a vortex at the UAW in Saline, MI. I felt as though I was transported back into 1985. I also found a tree that was growing in a spiral fashion. Please investigate. - Benjamin
Hi Benjamin, sorry, we would need more information and evidence to go on before we could get approval for an investigation. Please send pictures, video and/or corroborating stories/articles.
11 October 2017
Asheville Vortex. I'd like to suggest that anyone who is seriously interested in vortexes/portals on NC read the book Page Bryant, The Reawakening of the Great Smoky Mountains. It has become the definitive work of this subject. Also, Appalachian Dousers are a valuable resource. - Mary
Thanks, Mary!
09 October 2017
vortex in USA to meditate - graciela
Here is a link to the USA vortex map