Vortex Hunters Blog


  • 30 June 2019

    I am at the once home base of Bell Laboratory in Holmdel New Jersey. This place is perfect North South East West alignment. Also, home to most of our modern every day convenience. This was also a skunk work facility. Is there a lay line here as well? Thank you - TH

    Hi TH, what an amazing location and history! We will look for ley line info and let you know.

  • 25 June 2019

    I have a condition called buccal mandibular dystonia, which has nearly completely quieted down since visiting the vortex sites in Sedona. After coming home I decided to seek out other sites known to have vortexes,such as Crabtree falls. A friend and I hiked up the 1.7mile trek where we found the vortex just before we got to the top. It was one of the worse experiences! I was spinning, nauseated, drained of energy and the dystonia was back full force. Unbeknown to me it was a negative vortex. It seemed to help my balance though, which has gotten much better. The next day I went hiking in Wintergreen ski resort and found 2 more negative vortexes, one very large area at Shomocan falls and another small one at the beginning of the trail. I'm very sensitive to the electro magnetic forces, when I close my eyes I can actually see the direction of the spin, all counterclockwise. I need to find a possitive vortex near me to help the dystonia. After a week home im still not right. I understand there is a vortex in Virginia Beach, does anyone know where it is and if it is a possitive vortices? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you! - Gemma

    Hi Gemma, I am sorry to hear about your condition. I wish you the best! Virginia Beach is the home of Edgar Casey Foundation and the area is reported to be a calming and enlightening vortex.

  • 22 June 2019

    These pictures were taken at my current residence in the living room area back on Halloween 2016. I was taking a picture of our two dogs, Jazzy and Rocky, wearing their Halloween costumes. This photograph is from my personal Paranormal Photography Library, and it will be featured in a Paranormal Photography Book Series that I am very final stages of completing. Picture #1) The original Halloween 2016 Vortex Portal picture of our two dogs, Jazzy and Rocky, and the uninvited Halloween guests. - Joseph #Ghostsofthe812



    This is Picture #1, aka.. the Original, but with one important change to the photograph. It has now been rotated once to the right. This is now officially the correct viewing angle/position of Picture #1, aka "the Original", because those two large "statue-like figures" are now seen standing up-right in a vertical position directly outside their portal.



    This is a just a normal picture of our two dogs, Jazzy and Rocky, from the same series of Paranormal Photographs, dated: 10/31/2016.



    Thank you for sending these pictures Joseph! We look forward to your Paranormal Photography Book Series.

  • 5 June 2019

    I've recently been introduced to the concept of energy vortexes from multiple sources and would like to propose a location as a possible location. In my past, I was unaware of the concept, but had somewhat unusual experiences at different locations I visited. In using the words of James Redfield, I experienced "A sense of lightness and buoyancy, along with the constant sensation of love..." and overwhelming peace when visiting certain places. To my astonishment, some of these locations are documented on your website as verified vortexes; Sedona, AZ, Lily Dale, NY, Gettysburg, PA, Niagara Falls, ON,... I've had very strong experiences at all of these locations, but just chalked it up to coincidence. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I visited, quite by chance, Lechworth State Park in New York state, specifically, the Glen Iris Inn at the middle falls in the park on the Genesee River. I was overcome by the same feelings I've experienced at the other verified locations, brought to tears by the same feelings I've experienced at the other locations. In reading your information and other sources, it just seems to me that this place has something going on besides natural beauty. Just thought I'd share this. Thanks, Jim

    Thanks for sharing this information, Jim. Looks like an awesome place! We will research this location.

  • 2 June 2019

    Are there any vortexes close to dallas , tx?

    Here are all of the Texas vortex locations.

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