Mount Shasta swirling energy vortex


Many different types of vortexes are claimed to exist. From paranormal portals that act as doorways to the afterlife (or other dimensions), to spiritual spots near the convergence of ley lines.



Vortex Blog

  • 9 September 2024

    Ghosts Around Us: Real Ghost Stories Friday, October 18, James I. Gibson Library, Henderson, NV. Join us for a spooky night with the Silver State Ghost Hunters! They'll talk about techniques and tech used in ghost hunting and will share some of their amazing experiences.

  • 30 August 2024

    I saw the note about a possible vortex on the Green Mountain property. I have seen that tree, I believe, but can't confirm as it doesn't reach the ground. All I can say is there is a huge Trail Tree in this general area and it is historically significant in addition to it being a perfect specimen of a Trail Tree. There is a significance to these trees, as you might already know, as they follow old roads/Indian trails and are believed to be above water sources / aquifers. I do understand we have a positive vortex in our front yard. It was confirmed by a gentleman and his wife who dowsed it and confirmed it was one. It is located at an old cedar tree which has a large burl on it's east side. The tree has never been struck by lightening and we believe is on a positive energy line that extends towards the northeast. Rusty

    Thank you very much for your post about the Green Mountain Trail vortex. Your comments have been added to the Green Mountain Trail vortex page.

  • 30 August 2024

    Hello there. I have been told I have two vortexes on my property. I have never heard of this before and uncertain how she was able to determine this. I have a newer home and she mention disruption of earth during the build. I cannot find much info on this. I am a medium and my skill has become strong since being in my home, in addition I have had unexplainable vibrations on the bottom of my feet in two areas of my home. I did not tell this to her until after she let me know about the two. From what I can tell from the little information I can find, is that they can be good or bad. I did get laid off 7 months after moving into my home and have had great difficulty getting a full time gig and only doing contracts or projects… This gal said she was going to remove them without having to come to my home. I also no nothing about this and would prefer to keep them if they are positive. Is there any information or insights you can share with me? I am in Lakeville Minnesota. Thank you for your time. Renee -

    Hi Renee, thank you for this interesting post. Regarding the person that has offered to find and remove vortexes over the phone, I would personally be skeptical. If there is a fee involved, I would be even more doubtful that it is legit. I'm not saying it is impossible to find a vortex without being there, for example by using a skill like remote viewing, but it could also be Google Maps viewing. Having said that, some people are much more in tune with Earth energies and know more about vortex field work than I do. Removing a vortex is not something I have heard of before. Although, I have read many times of persons or groups going to a vortex location to strengthen it (not remotely), so the opposite may be possible. There are phone apps that can display vibration analysis. Perhaps you can use one of these apps to narrow down where the vibrations at your feet are coming from. I'm sorry to hear you were laid off. I hope things get better for you very soon and I am sending positive thoughts your way!

  • 27 August 2024

    I don’t know if Ringing Rocks is a vortex. I find an energy emanating from the area near the waterfall. I have distinct memories of feeling well there. I am a Christian with an open mind. One time I prayed the Stations of the Cross at Ringing Rocks and felt great peace. Another time, during the pandemic, I went there with my daughters and granddaughter. There were many family groups staying away from each other, but at the same time there was a sense that we were all in this together, even if it was physically separate. A third experience was during an eclipse with my sister and her children. It was a magical experience with the shadows through the trees turning into half moons on the rocks above the falls.

    Thank you for sharing your experience at Ringing Rocks, Pennsylvania. Your comments have been added to the Ringing Rocks vortex page.

  • 23 August 2024

    Hello, I would like to bring your attention on the Bosnian pyramid of the sun recently discovered. There is definitely something there! I visited these last days and it's very powerful! You'll find some infos about it on internet. Thank you, Mélodie

    Thank you for sharing your experience at the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. We will be adding this location to the Global Vortex Map.

  • 18 August 2024

    External Link: Woo That Worked (for Me): Spiritual Hacks From Hiking the Sedona ‘Vortex’

  • 12 August 2024

    Happy day. I went on a massive trip across America last year and utilized your website a ton!!! I wrote a book this winter about my adventures and wanted to share one of the references of writing about your website. Thank you so much for all you do!!! I appreciate you!!! - Best, Madison
    A Book From Love - on Amazon

    Thank you for including Vortex Hunters in your book. I look forward to reading about your adventures!

  • 3 August 2024

    External Link: Video: UFO Witnessed By Military Radar Operators

  • 28 July 2024

    Good afternoon, I just stumbled upon your website and thought you may be interested in a picture that was taken by my wife’s second cousin from two summers ago. She’s in her mid 80s and took a couple days to figure out how to send me this picture from her phone after she showed it to me at our family reunion at Nordegg. I’ve shown a few friends but was thinking you may be interested to see it. The story is she was out by herself on their side by side ATV when she came across this and as she was looking at it, this deer came along and appears to also see it. That’s really all I know but find it super interesting. Thanks, Mike

    Nordegg Canada Vortex


    Thank you for sending this picture of what appears to be a vortex. "Super interesting" is not overstating the image. This is the first spinning vortex image I have seen where only a portion of the image is distorted. The fact that she saw the vortex in real life and the deer is not looking at her but at the vortex, is also quite intriguing.

  • 28 July 2024

    External Link: Video: Chattanooga UFO

  • 27 July 2024

    Hi There, I would like to share with you the WoodBury Vortex. Woodbury is located between Ainsworth Hot Springs , BC , Canada and Kaslo, BC Canada. I learned from your website that Kaslo is close to being on a Lei Line. I research super natural phenomena and UFO's and ghostly encounters in the east and west Kootenays. I currently live in Castlegar BC, which is close to WoodBury BC where I believe the vortex is located. In the area is the Cody cave system. These are a vast tunnel system that connects the east and west Kootenays. They have in Ainsworth a hot spring that s suppose to hold super natural healing properties. I will send some links below for the area you can stay at a hotel on site and check out the hot springs and go in the caves. Ten minutes past these caves is Woodbury BC a small hamlet. There are the woodbury chalets a lovely motel and camping spot that's hosts a restaurant. Its Here you will find the exact vortex of ghosts here on the water at the dock system they have . Close by is another entrance to the Cody cave system. The government came in a few years back and put a stop to local tours in the Cody caves. There is an old abandoned mine right at the base of the road. 7kms up there's a secret government entrance that know one really knows about. An interesting story is that there was a fire that happened at the woodbury chalets and a building had burnt down leaving behind an old fire proof bank vault. No one knows to this day what it contained. Bill Barley had a show on tv called Old Gold Town and Ghost towns. It's a fabulous show . On one of the shows he talks about a place called Lardeux BC which is not to far away from Woodbury BC maybe an hour away. It's here that Bill said would be the last untouched frontier in the mining industry because it was such a difficult area to get too they couldn't bring machinery in back then and it was difficult to access by foot. With Canada's cold long winters most people gave up on the area. They never did find the root for the Gold. He goes on to tell the tale of the lost mine of HG Johnson. There is this sand smoky quartz in the area that is not found in any other area as well. All along Kootenay Lake there have been many UFO sightings , Legends of Big Foot and ghostly encounters. I have been someone studying the area for many years and being able to live in the area I have been able to do a lot of research and conducted many interviews. This place is a gem I believe it could be tied to Lemuria. Possibly Atlantis . The underground tunnels of Mount Shasta I would like to see if their is any correlation to the Cody caves system here in the Kootenays. This is just a small slice of the incredible things that happen in this area. Some say Hitler even made it up this way . Nicola Tesla had a camp in Meadow Creek BC which is located exactly on the ley line and Edison was in the Nelson BC Star a loca newspaper stating concrete would be the wave of the future. Interestingly enough. There was a meteorite that landed in Meadow Creek BC Canada too. There is currently an open expedition of it and it's located by the Duncan Dam. I love the area I would be excited to share more with you if you find this interesting. Best wishes, Nicole

    Hi Nichole, I passed through this area awhile ago, but I do not know of the Woodbury location. Can you send GPS coordinates or a Google Map link of the spot you think is a vortex? Also, if you have any photos or video of your experiences there, we would love to see them. Thank you for sharing all the information, I found it very interesting! I added a link to the fascinating Old Gold Trails and Ghost Towns video. I will definitely be watching more of those.

  • 16 July 2024

    External Link: Video: My Search for Proof Aliens Exist Avi Loeb TED Talks

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